We are found in the Country... so if you are looking for that Quaint Time away, Stroll on over to Visit with Us... The Tea will be Brewing & Homemade Cookies will be Served. You will Truly Enjoy the drive over the Hills and through the Woods to Scenic Western Marion County.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Tea and a chat!

Welcome to our Tea Party!

Such a gloomy day and what better way to spend the afternoon than indoors with tea, cookies and friends and conversation.

Right now Iam pondering allot of different things that are on my mind. Business, health, helping others and the list goes on! Our world is changing so fast now, the economy, layoffs, shorter work weeks, high prices on just about everything. What else can we give? Long for the days I remember as a child when everyone knew their neighbors and helped each other! We have become a society of wanting everything and wanting it now. Life has truly changed for us baby boomers, and many more changes are coming. What can we do to help? Get involved! I agree with my friend Pamela Anthony, we have to be frugal in alot of ways, not just with hard earned $$$ but with our environment. Pamela and I have done a little bartering between our business, and I love that I can get those beautiful hand-did's that I do not have the talent to create!

Look around you, how much do you have that you really don't need or use? What could be put to good use or traded/bartered with someone else? Think how this can save those $$$! I have been looking into some bartering sites and have met a few people who have some neat ideas. I will be meeting with one of them in Lexington this week. So there will be more to come on this topic. And, yes I am definitely considering bartering thru my shop!

Enjoyed our visit, please let me know what you think!


Pamela... Beehind Thyme Farm & Garden said...

Good Evening... Cathy

I absolutely love your post for today. You are a dear sweetie, indeed!

Hoping you the best come Wednesday...

Kentucky Hugs, Pamela

Anonymous said...

I just come from Pamela..Beehind Thyme. my prayers are with you this week and Wednesday....You are right aobut our spending. Sound like a great ideas..you are soo sweet...will be visited you again...Hugs and Smiles


Hi Cathy,
Thanks for the email:) Yes we dohave MANY things in common. I read your past posts and saw the cute photo of you and your puppy:)
I'll have to go visit your website and look for some treasures.
Have a Great Day.
Deb :)