We are found in the Country... so if you are looking for that Quaint Time away, Stroll on over to Visit with Us... The Tea will be Brewing & Homemade Cookies will be Served. You will Truly Enjoy the drive over the Hills and through the Woods to Scenic Western Marion County.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! It means so much to me! May God bless everyone of you.
I will probably not be able to do another blog until Friday evening. So much to do while in Lexington. I will be staying with my 83 year old mother. She no longer drives, so after my appointments will be taking her to the grocery and helping her get her errands done. Try to visit her and stay overnight every 4 to 6 weeks. More often in the spring and summer.
This is my favorite Bible, an old King James Version that I have had since I was 12 years old. It is a comfort to have this with me for so many years. Also my favorite little angel I received when my dear Grandmother passed away at 101 years of age.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotton Son, whosoever
beliveth in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life"
John 3:16
Blessings to you and yours until meet again!


Anonymous said...

Thanl you sooo much. Your friend Pamela....Her sister Rose is my friend. That how I knew Pamela...and she requests you in prayer. My prayers is with you and I'm will be at the Womens's meeting in the morining and I will definitely have your name for pryers...Be careful and have a wonderful visits with your mom. Keep your chin up....God is with you. Have a wonderful week...kathy

The Muse said...

I cannot think of two better items to help you treasure your memories and honor your family :)

SmilingSally said...

That the favorite Bible verse of millions. It's a good one. It's so good to love your mother while you still can.

Happy Trash to Treasure day!

kimberly said...

My thoughts & prayers are with you and your mom! Bless you!

Lisa Brawner said...

i so enjoyed meeting you !! love the dool... she will be chersihed..she is so unique!! everyting else is great too!!!